As general contractor, we have many years of experience in all service phases. This includes not only the creation and monitoring of time and cost schedules but also control over all individual trades and their interfaces to our tasks, under their own economic and quality responsibility. The basis of success is the long-term, fair and strategic cooperation with technical planners in the areas of structural design, building services, technical building equipment, HLS planning, fire prevention, health and safety coordination, lighting design, landscape architecture, etc.
The occupational profile of the architect was always subject to constant change due to the complexity of building projects, ranging from building technology to the legal requirements, sustainability and economic efficiency. Specialised trade partners support planning in many branches, whether in façade planning or canteen kitchen planning, to name only two examples. Additionally, we work with sustainability specialists or external BIM coordinators. The management of the team by a single person permits an efficient project structure and relief for the customer.
Landau + Kindelbacher Architects Interior Designers
© 2024 Landau + Kindelbacher Architects Interior Designers Data Protection Imprint Whistleblower System
Landau + Kindelbacher Architects Interior Designers
Ottostraße 6
D - 80333 Munich, Germany
T + 49 89 24 22 89 0
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